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Writing English Emails at Work

Do You Have Any Of These Problems?

Writing emails in English makes you stressed-out!

You are stressed-out and experience anxiety because you are totally lost!

Absolutely Blank!

You don't even know what to write or how to begin writing.

Takes Forever!

It takes you forever to write even a simple sentence!

People don't reply to your emails!

Your emails receive no response!

You avoid writing emails!

You pass to subordinates to write your emails.

Women with hijab stress infront of laptop

If you have any of these problems, then continue reading this page!


Get your copy of

31 Proven Effective Email Templates For Worktm


31 Proven Effective Email Templates With Free Gift

Stop feeling stuck and stressed! Start sending professional looking emails in less than 60 seconds that actually work!

Normal Price RM330


+ FREE 30+ Handy Alternative English Words & Phrases For Office UseTM Ebook (Worth RM100)

This is a limited-time offer and will end anytime soon. Grab this offer today!

According to a study, an average worker sends out about 40 emails a day and receive about 90 emails a day! So if you struggle to write emails, it will negatively affect your work!

Moreover, according to an article from the, Emails remain the top communication tool for businesses and companies!

Worldwide, there are more than 2.5 billion email users and the number is climbing. That’s more than a third of the global population!

Writing English emails at work should not be a stressful thing. As a working adult, you must be able to communicate effectively through emails with minimal effort.

With Brican’s 31 Professional Email Templates, you won’t feel stressed or stuck anymore when it comes to writing English work emails!

Writing emails is easy with Brican's Email Templates! Click video to see the demo!

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Clients' Feedback

"Easy, fast & save our time. Increase efficiency and no more stuck! 😅 Previously I use to Google and save all email sample for my reference. I also spent too much time trying to find correct word or sentence. But now, having templates 'ready to go' really helps! Also reduce error, mistake, typo, etc.." 😍
Student picture Rima
Rima Izzat

Writing Emails in English Has Never Been This EASY!

Step 1: Copy & paste email template

Choose the work email topic that you want.

Step 2: Edit the details

The template is already scripted according to the topic that you choose. Just edit the text highlighted in blue to suit your own needs!

Step 3: Insert recipient's email and click send!

This is a limited-time offer and will end anytime soon. Grab this offer today!

Why Should You Get Our Templates?

Not your typical "English textbook" emails!

Unlike others, Brican's Email Templates are designed by English trainer who has years of experience working in a corporate company! So the templates are effective and proven for real-life work situation.

Easy copy & paste format!

Don't worry about email structure, intro and other confusing stuffs. Just insert the details needed and click send!

Easy to understand yet so professional!

We use uncomplicated language that is effective yet professional!

More likely to receive email response!

People will start to notice your email and reply accordingly.

Feel confident when writing emails!

Now you can finally write emails easily, quickly and effectively!

Who Should Get The Email Templates?

Whether you are a Director or admin staff, our templates are meticulously-designed so that anyone in the organisation can look more professional, communicate effectively, and saves time! You should get this template if you are a/an:

Women with computer

Start writing better work email today!

Why Our Templates Are Different?

Thumbnail of Brican founder Yasmin Kamil

Unlike others, Brican's Email Templates are designed specifically for corporate working adults like you! These templates are designed by Yasmin who is a lawyer and a certified CELTA English trainer.

She also has years of experience in corporate world having worked with legal firms, NGOs and multi-national companies (MNC).

About Brican

At Brican, we believe that one cannot live in the comfort zone of Bahasa Malaysia if one is serious about optimum success especially in work and career. It goes without saying that gaining confidence in speaking English is not only an added advantage, but in fact a real necessity in today’s world. 

Formerly established as Yasmin Lingo Services, we have been training English for working adults since 2016. Great demands and inspiring success stories from our clients have pushed us to go further and grow our company to what it has become today.

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Email Topics Covered...

We have compiled 31 of the most commonly used emails at work! You will save so much time and energy! Here’s the email templates that you will get:

Don't miss this chance. Buy now before price return to normal!

What Students Say About Brican

These are authentic and real feedbacks from our corporate working adult students and we have over 250+ positive Google Reviews!

"These templates help my work progress easier, faster and improve my English skills in the process. Thank you for your kind initiatives and introduce this to me!"
student testmonial adam
Private Sector
"I like the alternative English words & phrases book. It is really helpful as I can make different words from it."
Student picture Nora Izzati
Nora Izzati
Latest Brican Google Reviews

Since 2016, We Have Trained Clients From These Companies:

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Special Offer!

31 Proven Effective Email Templates For Worktm

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31 Proven Effective Email Templates For WorkTM

31 Proven Effective Email Templates With Free Gift


31 Proven Effective Email Templates For WorkTM

Not only that, you will also get these for FREE 👇

✅ 30+ Handy Alternative English Words & Phrases For Office UseTM Ebook!


✅ Get invited to join VIP Brican English Telegram group!


All these for only RM49!

Payment Powered By Ipay88

Any Questions?

Click the button to chat with our Customer Support via WhatsApp (MON - FRI: 9AM - 6PM)

This class/programme is not intended to replace school and/or university courses. If you are looking to prepare for school or university English subject exams, and/or looking to study grammar charts and terms in depth, we suggest you enroll for school or university English courses such as IELTS which takes longer time.

This class/programme is intended for the purposes of general communicative and writing uses at work only.

The term “class”, “teacher”, “teaching” and “students” that may be found on this website are used loosely and are not to replace school/university classroom and/or teaching experiences. The more politically correct terms that reflect our programme are “trainer” or “coach” and “clients” (cum students). Terms used are reflective of marketing purposes only. We are not responsible for prospects or clients’ misunderstanding of our programme.

“Private” here means a small group, not “swasta”.

The content of this website is the © copyright of Brican Success PLT. You are not allowed to reuse, translate or to redistribute any part of this content, whether word by word copy or with modification, in printed or in online form or in any other form whatsoever.

© Copyright Brican Success PLT, 2023. This website contains proprietary information which is periodically updated. No part of this website or its contents may be used without the express written consent of Brican Success PLT