About Brican English

At Brican English, we believe that one cannot live in the comfort zone of Bahasa Malaysia if one is serious about optimum success, especially in work and career. It goes without saying that gaining confidence in speaking English is not only an added advantage but in fact a real necessity in today’s world. 

Formerly established as Yasmin Lingo Services, we have been training English for working adults since 2016. Great demands and inspiring success stories from our clients have pushed us to go further and grow our company to what it has become today.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help Malays improve their economic abilities and their quality of life in general by enhancing their English language proficiency.

As Malays, whether we care to admit or otherwise; our chances of getting a job, being promoted, gaining wider clientele or simply to go more global in business will depend a lot on our ability to communicate well in English and to understand English well.

Not only that, when it comes to having sound knowledge on technical subjects such as mathematics, sciences, finance, technology, etc and gaining quality general life knowledge such as survival skills, life hacks, etc – books and reading materials of such topics are unfortunately lacking in Malay language in both quantity and quality.

By this reason alone, Malays who are English proficient could go further in life as compared to those who are not because they have ready access to a wealth of info that they can understand i.e. wealth of the latest and most advanced knowledge and information (in every topic under the sun!) so readily available in English books and reading materials.

That said, according to Teraju, a Bumiputera entrepreneurial body; 74.7% of Bumiputera have a household income of less than RM2,000 a month.

We are not saying that you cannot be successful in life if you are only proficient in Malay.

However, it goes without saying that your chances and probability of achieving greater success whether in career aspect, business aspect or in quality of life in general is tremendously increased if you happen to be proficient in English.

In fact, it is not arguable that people all over the world, no matter what race and background are looking to be proficient in English because they realise that the importance of being proficient in English is very real. It is akin to a survival skill in this day and age.

Again, the importance of English in this day and age cannot be denied, whether one cares to admit or not; whether one likes it or not.

Despising English language for whatever reason does not make it any less important in this day and age.

In a nutshell, we aim to help our fellow Malays to improve their career, business and quality of life in general by improving their English proficiency.

Yasmin Kamil
Trainer and Founder of Brican English.

Brican English students in online class via Zoom
Students are having fun in one of the online sessions!

About The Founder

Brican founder Yasmin Kamil

Yasmin Kamil was born in West Virginia, USA and grew up in an English-speaking environment. She speaks both English and Malay fluently. She is the founder of Brican English and Yasmin Lingo.

Yasmin is a certified English teacher and trainer. She is a holder of CELTA; a gold standard of English teaching qualification in the world, issued by Cambridge University, United Kingdom.

She is also a qualified lawyer; an advocate and solicitor. Before embarking on a full – time English teaching journey, she has the experience of serving as a Legal Advisor and an Agreement Drafter in the Oil & Gas corporate world.

Since she has real-life experience of being in the corporate world itself,  this makes her understand the actual English needs and issues faced by the average working adult even more so than traditional English teachers who have never worked outside the school or university environment.

Thus, her approach and solutions to the English issues faced by working adults in the working or corporate world comes from her real-life experience and not from theoretical textbooks that may or may not reflect the actual needs of English in the working adult world.

Moreover, since she knows both native English and native Malay  well; she understands the needs and issues faced by the average Malay person even more so than native English teachers who do not speak Malay nor are aware of problems faced specifically by Malays when it comes to English matters.

Due to positive feedbacks on her ability to make people acquire English easily and effortlessly, Yasmin decided to rest from her legal practice and focus instead on helping working adults in their everyday English language needs.

Yasmin with her colleagues at International House, Bangkok
With English trainers at International House, Bangkok

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Brican English clients

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