Brican Success Stories

Read life-changing stories of our students!

These success stories may not be the latest. We have hundreds of success stories that are yet to be uploaded. Do visit often for updates.

Note: Brican was formerly known as Yasmin Lingo Services. Some of our testimonials would mention our former business’ name. 

*Results may vary depending on a few variable factors such as a student’s commitment for full attendance, participation in class, submission of assignments and attitude towards learning in general.

Abdul Rahman Testimonial
Brican English Centre

I Used To Read English Newspaper Before Joining Brican

Abdul Rahman is a United Nations soldier stationed in Lebanon and joined our class from Lebanon. Despite the time difference between Malaysia and Lebanon, he was willing to sacrifice his comfort to ensure he can improve in his English skills. He is one of our most disciplined students who is

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Azyan Testimonials
Brican English Centre

“I Always Pause And Stuck When I Speak in English!”

Azyan had this problem before joining Brican. She works at the National Blood Centre (Pusat Darah Negara) and deals with English-speaking vendors including from America and Australia. One of her job scope is to make sure that every vendor complies and delivers their services and products in the highest standard.

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Nik Rafidah Testimonial Brican English
Brican English Centre

“I don’t run away from people anymore!”

My English used to be very poor. I could not even speak one sentence of English. This affected my psychology, it made me feel stupid. I hated English. When I was in seminars, I will stay in the restroom or my hotel room. If people call me, I would say

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Brican Success Stories

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